Material: Viton, Silicone, NBR, EPDM, C-R Neoprene, C-R Diaphragm, Neoprene, White Neoprene, SBR, Packing, Rubber Matting, Neoprene Sponge, Clear PVC Rubber, PU Rubber etc.
Gasket: Pure Graphite w/o Insertion, Non-Asbestos, Non-Asbestos Wire, CAF Wire, CAF Universal, Vegetable Oil Paper, Fibre, White Felt, Rubberised Cork Sheet, Turfnor, Bakelite, Asbestos Cloth, Asbestos Tape, Fibreglass, Ceramic Paper, Glass-Filled Teflon, Expanded Teflon, Teflon, Nylon, PE, PP, Delrin, Polycarbonate, PVC, Acrylic, etc.
Packing: Tank-Lid, Non-Asbestos, PTFE, Pure Graphite w/o Wire, Grease Cotton, Graphite, Wire Graphite, PTFE Impregnated Asbestos, Asbestos, Extruded Rubber, Asbestos Graphite, Fibreglass Tape, Pure Graphite Compressed Ring (Grafoil)
All kinds of Gasket Fabrication, Machining, Stamping, Cutting & Moulding
- Spiral Wound, Teflon Envelope, Teflon Seat Ring, Teflon V-Packing, Mechanical Seals & All Kinds of Metallic Gasket & Washer (Stainless Steel, Copper, Aluminium, EG Mild Steel etc.)
- Flange Gasket R/F & F/F, Manhole, Cylinder Head Gasket, Exhaust Jacketed Gasket, Heat Exchanger, Oil Seal, ‘O’ Ring, Packing, Assortment Kits (Fibre, Copper, O-Ring etc.)

Spiral Wound Gasket

Ring Gasket

Klinger Industrial Gasket

Garlock Sealing Solution

Rubore Seals